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"At Innovationsmanufaktur, the future is forged! Its approach to making complex issues manageable is becoming increasingly valuable for successful planning in politics and business. Innovationsmanufaktur thinks and designs innovation from the perspective of people and society and at the same time pays attention to economic viability. It challenges traditional thought patterns and comes up with surprising but convincing new solutions".Urban Plangger
Chairman and member of many supervisory and advisory boards
(e.g. BASF SE, Daimler AG, Trumpf Group)
Urban Plangger
"If Innovationsmanufaktur did not already exist, it would have to be invented. Large companies have neither free resources nor enough distance in their day-to-day business to devote themselves to innovation projects without preconceptions. And most small companies lack partners and experience."
Managing Director Innovation Centre for Mobility and Social Change (InnoZ) GmbH
Urban Plangger
"Holistic innovation is the Bode Miller of innovation processes, unconventional but highly effective and at the same time paving the way for a young, cheeky generation of creatives who enjoy making a difference! The holistic approach has a highly challenging character and surprises those who engage with it time and again! This makes it possible to coax the creative potential of everyone involved in the process – even those who didn't think they had any! My advice: Try it out!"
Head Coach Alpine Skiing Men, German Ski Association
Urban Plangger